As I read Dana's post I immediately remembered the time when our family was on vacation and we were at the beach in Florida enjoying a wonderful family filled day. We were walking along and saw a gentleman from far off. It didn't take getting up close to him to see that he hadn't shaven or even changed clothes for a very long time! I looked at my husband and we looked at each other and it was clear the Holy Spirit had spoken something as well to my husband. We talked about this gentleman and knew we were suppose to purchase him a meal! We were just about to eat lunch ourselves but some how this no longer seemed important. We purchased him a hamburger and fries and together the four of us walked the distance to this man. As we were walking we prayed and our kids who were younger then continued asking why we were giving a stranger this meal? We explained how the Lord had so clearly impressed on both of us to Feed this man. We let our children hand him this hamburger and said "May God Bless You" This man looked up at our family with such humility and said "Thankyou, I haven't eaten in days!"
Sometimes the Lord will drop us an idea.....make a call to this person, send a note of encouragement to so and so, make dinner for a single mom to help out, spend time with a elderly person at a nursing him or home care facility. We are all so busy doing our own things, and yes, sometimes, fear does keep us from "obeying" and serving the Lord through loving or helping others. When we don't act on those promptings it is us who loses out on the blessing for it is ALWAYS true. It is far better to give than to receive!
Lord, May we have ears to Hear and eyes to See and a heart that will Obey!