I love my wednesday post :) Please join in with Angel and help spread the JOY and why not add some Love in there!! I am also joining Joanne and showing what Love looks like here @ our house!
I am filled with Joy because nothing says JOY to me like having our whole family together :) and since today was the day we have Rylee ~ Krista had said she wanted to come out and have dinner and see everyone! :) Remember ~ she is pregnant so I texted her and asked her what... if anything she was "craving?" Ha! Look @ what she said sounded good :0) Her request is in the white text
So her Daddy made her Breakfast for dinner and then.......malts
Rylee enjoyed them too :)
and I made her homemade chocolate cake... YUM
I am filled with Joy because I Love my family! I am sooo blessed to be a momma, a step momma and a noni ♥ and a very blessed wife! Thank you Lord for all you have given to me! I don't take one day for granted! I cherish my family with all I am!