Well Kim over at Homesteaders Heart has asked us to share our most embarassing moment with you today! I have so many that it has taken me a bit to narrow it down :)
When I was newly married my kids had asked me to make some cupcakes. So I went to the grocery store and went to the aisle that I would find the ingredients. After searching and searching I got on my cell phone and called my mom and said "MOM, where do I find the cupcake mix????"
Have I EVER lived this one down??? NOPE! but guess what??? They now make cupcake mix :)
My other most embarassing moment was when we were attending a play at one of the nice theatres where, you know, everyone dresses up and all. So the play was over and we were exiting the building and I happen to notice a TV ANCHOR and told my kids "Look who is here!!!" As I was telling them and not trying to be loud or obvious, I turned around and POW! I ran smack into a pole with my FACE, FOREHEAD, NOSE! oh my!
I never knew if the anchor saw me but everyone else in the auditorium did and my sweet family couldn't stop laughing!! They were sooo concerned ....NOT!!
Happy Friday everyone :)
Please visit Kim for more embarassing moments