I have a MacBook Pro and one day I was taking a class at the Apple Store to learn more about using my Mac. Apple is just awesome at all they offer for their education on any of their products! Well, anyway the gentleman who was educating me showed me these books that you can make on our Macs. My oh so funny husband said immediately to the guy "Wait, don't say another word ~ I am afraid you are going to cost me alot of money!!" He knows me so well! LOL. You simply upload your pics and then you can preview the actual book and then place your order. Well, how easy is that??? I am soooo NOT a Scrapbooker but THIS! THIS ~ EVEN.I.CAN.DO!!! ;) If you have a Mac and are interested in finding out more Go here to check it out :) I did mess up my moms the first time I placed the order and just received it on Monday and was able to give it to her! She cried upon receiving and looking at it! That is HUGE!!!
** I sooo enjoyed swimming with My friend Angel from All the Mus last week! We have been in the upper 90's and will be staying there for awhile and that is just a bit tooo hot already! Thank you Angel for sharing the day with us :) We all loved it! My sweet Rylee took a little nap on me :) Angel and I said we should have taken a pic together BEFORE we got into the pool....next time we will! PROMISE!

** Ok, I know I have shared I have an IPHONE here before and I am eligible for an upgrade now :) So, I just found out they are coming out with a whole new one ....the IPHONE 4. If you want to see just how bomb-jiggety it is go here and watch this video!! They will be available on June 24th!! WOOHOO!!
** Found out my new grandbaby is due Jan 25, 2011. They will induce her sometime the week before :) Yippee! Krista has been experiencing alot of nausea but she is vacationing in florida this week so hopefully that will cause her not to think of it so much ;) I have missed my Rylee so much this week! Going through NONI withdrawals for sure!
** I have started adding Zumba to my workout with Jillians 30 Day Shred! Wow! Can you say FUN!!! I really LOVE doing these videos and time flies by and you have no idea you are working like you are!! Jillian kicks my butt and Jamba moves it LOL
Happy Wednesday ~ how is your week going?