My friend KIM is one of the sweetest and funniest people you can meet here in blogland! She hosts Friday Funnies each and every week and I LOVE to join in and share some laughter! This week I am sharing a couple of videos from Christmas a couple of years ago. We played a game called QUELF. It is HILARIOUSLY FUNNY! You act out what the card instructs you to do and then your teammates guess what you are. Sometimes there is a time limit on what your doing so even though you feel like a complete idiot it doesn't matter....you just keep on doing what your doin!! It is a guaranteed night of laughter as you will quickly hear all of us CRACKING UP!
On this first video I cannot even remember what my stepdad was doing but even he couldn't stop laughing! This one is my favorite
This one is obviously him being a ballerina :)
Happy Friday Everyone.....remember ~ A day without laughter is a day wasted! ♥ U ALL