One of the wonderful things about a relationship with Jesus Christ is knowing for sure where we'll spend eternity. The Bible says we can have that certainty. It's a little like marriage. If someone asks if you married, you don't answer, "I think so." You proudly wear the evidence of your relationship -- usually a ring. You also have a license signed by a pastor or judge and two witnesses.
The same thing about your citizenship. If you were born in the United States, there's no question about whether you're a citizen. You are. And the same thing is true when it comes to your relationship with God. The Bible puts it this way, "Since we are His Children, we are his Heirs." In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. (Romans 8:17). Like marriage and citizenship, you can know for sure.
I wonder....How many people know and truly understand that when we accept Christ and are saved, that we also become heirs as well? I can tell you that I did not know this, nor did I learn it right away. For me, it took 16 years. I can however, remember the very moment when I understood this Gift...this Promise...this Unconditional Acceptance.
It is so humbling to learn of the Promises the Lord has for us, isn't it? To say thank you, just doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. To be received by God as HIS heir....Oh MY! Now that will make one do the Happy Dance don't you think!!! :)
Galatians4:6-7 tell us:
Because we are His Children, God has sen the Spirit
of His Son into our hearts, prompting us to call
our, "Abba Father." Now you are no longer a slave
but God's own child. And since you are His child,
God has made you His Heir.
This I Believe
I can claim my spiritual inheritance every day.
Please join us @ Spiritual Sundays. It is such a blessing to foo many!
♥ ♥ Have a wonderful weekend my friends ♥ ♥
(Excerpts taken from A Woman's Walk in Truth by Vonette Bright)