Monday, February 1, 2010

Beth Moore's So long Insecurity

Tyndale Publishing is proud to announce Beth Moore's new book titled "So Long Insecurity"

Perhaps one of the biggest issues all women face is their own insecurity. Beth Moore, one of today’s most admired and trusted Christian writers, wants women to be free from the insecurity trap. So Long, Insecurity will strike a chord with women everywhere, as Beth speaks truth into the lives of readers, showing them how to deal with their innermost fears, rediscover their God-given dignity, and develop a whole new perspective—a stronger sense of self. Women of all ages and backgrounds will resonate with this message of security and discover truths that will free them emotionally and spiritually and lead them to a better life as they walk with God.

I received this book free from Tyndale and in return I was asked to share my humble opinion. Being a follower of Beth's blog that she shares along with her precious daughters I have been blessed to read posts from Beth in regards to some of these insecurities but what has amazed me the most are the comments that she receives daily from women all over the world. Beth shares in her book that she loves to research and in this particular book she received input from over 1000 men and women. Wow! This book is awesome and if i shared everything that I highlighted or that spoke to me well lets just say It would be a book in itself :)
This book goes so quickly and it's like Beth is sitting down and you can just smell the coffee while we chat! She takes the subject of insecurity VERY SERIOUS. She shares the different kinds, the roots and then lovingly shares how we along with our Heavenly Father and the power of the Holy Spirit can overcome it! I have to say one of my favorite aha moments (and I had many) was when I learned that because of my personality I already am oversensitive and like Beth that adds to how we respond to circumstances and as she puts it...."I feel everything. My joys are huge and so are my sorrows. If I'm mad, I'm really mad, and if I'm despondent, I wonder how on earth I'll go on. Then I will get up, pour some coffee, and move on to the next emotion and forget how depressed I was an hour ago. Ever do that?"

I HIGHLY recommend this book to any woman or any teenage girl. We as women experience insecurity in some form and this will help you pinpoint how to hit it head on and not let it control us or keep us from experiencing the life that our Heavenly Father desires for us to live!

to purchase this book please go to
Love and Blessings!

A must see for parents and teens

I want to share a movie that has been released but only in a few areas. It is called "To Save A Life." It is a Christian movie with a powerul message for todays youth! Go here to check out the story or find out if it is in your area and if not how you can bring it there. My daughter and I saw the movie and I really felt compelled to share it with you all. I think every parent should see this movie with their teens. It is so relevant to what they deal with but also a story of grace along with having a heart to seek after the Lord no matter what life brings our way. To stand for Christ. I highly recommend this and I will be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD. If any of you work with teens this would be a great night out with everyone!

Here is the movie trailer for you to watch