Today Brian and I are celebrating 20 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!! woo hoo can I get a 'HALLELUAH" SO, I thought it was only fitting that today my top ten list was devoted to my Sweet Loving Husband!
1) The Lord made Him JUST.FOR.ME!!! WOW ~ that is humbling to say the very least
2) He is a wonderful provider and spiritual leader of our home
3) He is sooooo very patient with me
4) He makes me laugh every day! :)
5) He spoils me rotten.....SERIOUSLY
7) He blessed me with 3 children ~ 2 of our own and 1 Stepdaughter
8) We get to be grandparents together ♥ ♥ ♥
9) He is such a godly example of Christ in the way he loves me and cares for me!
10) He still takes my breath away when he walks into the room, when he holds my hand, or when he is giving me "that look"
I can honestly say I love him more today than when we first fell in love. True Love grows deeper in time ~ it is unconditional and Brian gives of himself more than anyone I know! I truly am blessed to be married to him. My best friend. My soulmate

I pray the Lord blesses me with many many more years with this wonderful man ~ My husband and Love of my Life ~Brian♥