I can't even begin to share how much I have enjoyed this bloggy world. I have won contests, giveaways, plus, gleened wisdom and Insight from sooo many! But I have found some of the Most PRECIOUS friendships and Prayer Warriors! If you would have sat me down a few mongths ago and said "Loren, start a blog ~ seriously, you will have new friends that will teach you every day about the Lord, being a parent. They will make you laugh with their posts, dig deep and ask some serious questions of yourself, and yet they will cover you in prayer and be a treasure to you." I don't think I would have believed you. But....It is true! These relationships are truly a Gift from the Lord at a time in my life, that only He knew how much they would mean to me! One of these precious friendships is from Mary @ PILEofSMILES. Ohhhhh, how I love Mary! Upon arriving at her blog you instantly see her sweet face and for me I KNEW I had a friend. She LOVES the LORD like I do and always points me to HIM and HIS WORD! She is a doer of the Word, a mentor and loves, comforts and prays for all those she meets in her blog! Mary blessed me with this LOVE YA Award. Thankyou Mary! I am honored to be your friend!! Now, It is my turn to pass this on :)
Rules of this award are:
The "Love Ya" Award states: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to other bloggers who must choose to pass it on and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award!
Nicole at Taulman Times, she is my friend and the one who introduced me to blogging. She is one of the most honest, transparent people I know. She inspires so many and the best is yet to come :)
Lori at Girly Muse, she is a beautiful writer, mother and will inspire you to see the Lord in ALL things!
Jennifer at Studio JRU. I met her through a blog contest and won her beautiful faith inspired art and gained a Friend! She is such a gifted artist so visit her Artfire Studio too!
Stephanie at stephtmomof3. Steph is a bloggy friend and a personal one. We have known each other for a long time. She loves Jesus, her family and will always bring a smile to your face and heart!
Kim at Homesteaders Heart. Oh how this girl makes me laugh! EVERYDAY! She is so funny and has a heart as big as the Florida Sunshine!
and last but certainly not LEAST, is my friend Clif at Musings of a Minister. He is an independent book reader, a lover of the LORD, and will make you laugh on days, look within at times, and even cry every once in a while!
Please go visit my friends, they are all precious to me and more precious to our Father! Friendship is a Gift from above....treasure each and everyone!
My win!!!! I entered a book giveaway at Clif's Musings of a Minister and won! This book is called Jantsens Gift by Pam Cope. It immediately caught my eye because my sons name if Jantzen. Pam was a hairstylist, so am (or was) I! I am looking forward to reading this book! It is a deeply moving account of loss and recovery. It is Pam's story of losing her 15 yr old son and turning that pain into glory for the Lord and helping children and making a difference in the world!
Thankyou Clif!!