Monday, May 16, 2011

So Very Proud but Please slow down!!

Wow! Wasn't that a mess last week with Blogger! So thankful they have it all straightened out! I missed everyone didn't you?? :)

These final weeks of the School Year seem to just be flying by! I think though, that when you have a Senior in High School, it goes by even more quickly, don't you?? !!

Last week was Senior Awards Assembly and the Senior Talent Show. This past weekend was Senior Appreciation Day, better known as Baccalaureate. Each day brings these kids one day closer to Graduation and entering a whole new Season of Life.

This Morning I will be attending my Sons Awards Assembly, and am so excited. I was contacted, letting me know Jantzen will be receiving awards. The kids don't ever know if they are receiving an award or not, so the teachers contact the parents to make sure we will be there to see them being honored!

I shared with you all last week about the tragic death of Hance. Well, my daughter went to her boss and asked if there place of business could do a Fundraiser in honor of Hance. Her boss agreed and 10% of all the sales that day will go to MADD in his honor. Will you please Pray this day will be a HUGE SUCCESS and bring in sooo many people!!

We are soo proud of all our kids! I am So VERY blessed to be their MOM I know these next 2 weeks are going to fly by and I can only imagine how quickly this Summer will be. Can you Slow it down Lord... Pretty Please ;)

How was your weekend? Did it fly by? I pray you all have a Blessed Monday