I have been away from my computer and spent some time catching up on some blogs tonight. I was so sad to read sooo many posts with great needs, prayer requests, hurting souls, so many in need of the LORDS touch ~ HIS miracle working power in their lives! But we serve an AMAZING GOD prayer warriors!!!! HE hears the cries of HIS people. I sought HIM on each prayer request I read, laying each one at the feet of Jesus ~ knowing, trusting that HE would minister, HE would heal, HE would give HIS peace, HIS joy, His love, HE will provide!
I read these and wanted to share then and pray they will encourage those in need. This one comes from Charles Spurgeon, Spurgeon on Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
Oh, dear heart, what is your condition?
Are you torn with anguish? Are you sorely distressed? Are you lonely? Are you pushed aside? Then cry to God. NO one else can help you. HE is your only Hope. Wonderful HOPE! Cry to HIM, for HE can help you. I tell you, in that cry of yours will be the pure and true worship that God desires. HE desires a sincere cry far more than the slaughter of ten thousand rams or the pouring out of rivers of oil (Mic 6:7)....
See then, poor, weeping, and distracted ones, that it is not ritualism, it is not the performance of pompous ceremonies, it is not bowing and struggling, it is not using sacred words, but it is crying to God in the hour of trouble that is the most acceptable sacrifice your spirit can bring before the throne of God.
This comes from Jim Cymbala ~ Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
I discovered an astonishing truth:
God is attracted to weakness, He can't resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need HIM.
Please visit Spiritual Sundays . Thank you Charlotte and Ginger for bringing us this anointed blog each and every week!
Love and Blessings!