When praying about what I would post for Spiritual Sundays I felt led to share about my Nana.
When I became a Believer I learned that I was adopted. Adopted and received into Christ. I have a royal heritage. For me, learning this was lifechanging (as it should be) but to know that ....really know it, just humbles me. God cares for generations and having someone in your family who leaves you with such Christlike examples is by far one of Gods greatest gifts!
Today is my Nana's earthly birthday, she would have been 84. My Nana was an amazing woman. A true Proverbs 31 woman! She lived her life caring for others and serving them too. She was 1 of 14 children!!! Can you even imagine?? But growing up in such a large family she learned so much and she passed that on to us. She was a very frugal woman to say the least. We would always tease her because she would always have odd shapes of foil in a drawer because she wouldn't throw it away. She would fold it back neatly and have it ready for the next use :) She always made whomever she was with feel like the most important person in the world. She loved deeply and when we lost her all those years ago, every single one of us still has a huge hole in our heart, that only Nana could fill.
She taught us all the importance of hard work. What it meant to be diligent and persevere no matter what your circumstances are!
Even on the tiniest of budgets she had such a gift of making every situation soo very special!
As I get older I am learning the importance of passing on to my children and grandchildren. My Nana did that. She passed on so many things to us. I remember when I was with my Mom and we were going through Nana's stuff after she had died and I found her Bible. It was bookmarked in Proverbs verse 31. I just cried because I know it was no coincidence I am the one who found her Bible. It was the Lord's gift to me. Nana's too. Confirmation of a godly women, who loved and lived for Christ and it showed in all she did.
What about you? What example are you leaving to those generations younger than you? Your children? Your grandchildren? Do they see someone who lives their life glorifying Christ and serving others as HE would? Loving them like HE would?
Have a blessed weekend my friends!
For more spiritual sundays go here
The Wintered Tree
18 hours ago