My dear friend and sweet sister in Christ Kat from Heart2Heart will be having surgery this Thursday for a hysterectomy. If you know her you know she has battled severe pain for the last 5 months and to be honest longer but finally has found the right Dr. and knows it is the right time for her to have this surgery. Please join me in praying for her this week. She is a wonderful woman of God and I have been so blessed by her friendship. She was there for me in such loving ways while I was going through losing my Dad and we have grown so close. We have cried together, prayed together and are so thankful the Lord brought us together in friendship! I will be so happy when she is feeling pain free and able to live life as the Lord intended for her to! Please take this button and post it to your blog if you would be so kind
Also my friend Lori at Girly Muse is feeling under the weather and it has just continued to attack her and her kiddos and I am asking the Lord for this to be the end! NO MORE SICKNESS! NO MORE COLDS, COUGHS, AND YUCKY SNIFFLES :) Be well my friend be well!
Today I am NONI ♥ Yep! As of today I will be able to have my Rylee girl with me on Tuesdays. Our daughter made the decision to go back to work doing hair! I get to have Rylee on Tuesdays and her other Nana will have her on Fridays :) It will be such a wonderful treat each week to spend the day and even the night before with our precious girl. She brings such joy and laughter into our home and being gone last week we missed her sooo much! I never knew how precious it would be and yes I know what people say It is the best thing in the world to be a grandparent! Boy were they right! :) We will have sunny skies and she already enjoyed being outside last night playing with the remaining piles of snow. I can't wait to take her for a walk and maybe even have a picnic....no matter what it is we do I am so thankful to be blessed by this precious Love....The Love of a Grandchild!

Mommy and Rylee

I treasure you all! Love and Blessings