Undercover Boss is a new show on CBS airing on Sunday Evenings. If you haven't watched it ~ I recommend it. It is a show where the CEO of a company goes undercover and works within their companies ~ all facets of the company ~ from packing to customer service, cooking, working assembly lines, waiting tables etc. Depending upon the company and what service they provide.
It has been so interesting to watch these CEO's and how the majority of them say that while they sit behind their desks and work towards growing the company and making it run at the most sufficient way possible that this causes them to "not be around the people that work for them" on a regular basis. In a nutshell they don't see them AT ALL. In the shows you see some of them really connect with their employees on a personal level and get involved in their lives going as far as offering them some sort of bonus at the time of the reveal. Some employees are promoted and some well, they are let go (not on the show but later if their performance doesn't improve) It is a great lesson for all and especially to share with your children. One thing I have tried to teach my children is that although we think we are doing something and may possibly feel as we are getting away with something the LORD alway sees. He knows our thoughts even before we think them so of course HE will see our actions at the time we are doing them.
For Believers Our Boss or CEO is the Lord and HE doesn't stay AWAY from us trying to figure things out to make us better He waits lovingly for us to seek HIM and has all the answers we need. He is watching us even when we sleep. He longs to talk to us and to hear our hearts. On the show during the reveal so many of the employees are just amazed even to the point of tears how they are shocked that their boss would take his/her time out to listen to them, to show them that they care. The Lord does this everyday and for me I am so thankful to know that I don't have to wonder if I am being watched or that someone is going Undercover to make sure I am doing what I am suppose to. Don't get me wrong.....I make mistakes and I definately can improve my daily life....but I have the Ultimate CEO and HE lovingly teaches, guides, directs, and cares for me along with providing for all of my needs.....
I know for sure I will never be fired, never be let go, and will always have a place in HIS Family....isn't that the best boss you could ever ask for!!
Thank you Lord for you are worthy to be praised!
Happy Monday everyone! :)