Last week I shared with you all some of what the Lord has been showing me. ONE thing I LOVE about our Father is.... HIS Mercies are NEW EVERYDAY!! He never wants us to rest in what HE did last year, last month, last week or even yesterday but to seek HIM and experience HIM new everyday!
When I was doing hair I had this older gentleman that I loved dearly! He shared alot of the same stories over and over at times but the one story that broke my heart was the one about when he was in a car wreck some 40 yrs. back and how the Lord met HIM in the hospital and saved his life....Now, while I know that was a very pivotal moment in his life I also know the Lord desires to do things EVERYDAY in our lives!
Well, today out of the blue I got a phone call from my LifeCoach. She said I had been on her mind and heart and she just wanted to see how we were. (just so you know this is NOT NORMAL for her to do!!) I caught her up on the past year ~ yep, it has been awhile since we have seen her. We began seeing her about 7 years ago and she did some amazing work in us and then we would just see her for what she called "tune ups :)" She truly is a gift from the Lord and honestly I can't even describe what this phone call meant to me. You see, for her to take time out of her busy schedule and also be obedient to the Lord for "calling me" when the Lord put me on her heart was such a sweet kiss from her but also from the LORD. She knows our struggle with finding a church and gave me such love, amazing encouragement and WOW her prayer ~ OH MY! I just cried as she was praying over me because It was as if the Lord was speaking STRAIGHT TO MY HEART and HE truly did meet me right where I was ~ all because of someones obedience to make that phone call ♥
Sometimes as believers we experience those HIGHS with the Lord ~ it may be at a conference, or during a revival. But other times we feel as if we don't even know where God is. We feel soo far away but the truth is God isn't far away at all! HIS Word tells us HE never leaves us. Something my Life Coach told me today was this. "Loren, I have been right where you are and it is yucky ~ some days you feel like God is the farthest away HE has ever been but the very next day you experience HIM in a whole new way and ask How could I have thought HE wasn't here with me?" I agreed with her and she shared with me she calls this a "marinating season." When something is marinating it is absorbing all that it needs and while marinating it isn't ever fully cooked. Wow ~ what a thought! I have to say this spoke to me and it helped to have that "understanding" and to allow myself yet again to rest in HIM, knowing that HE truly does see me and is with me!
Thank You Lord for blessing me with YOUR Love, Your Hope, and again showing me that YOU KNOW RIGHT WHERE I AM and YOU have EVERYTHING all ready planned for me....
I also wanted to share a thank you to Sandy! I received a package today from winning her blogaversary!
She also had the most adorable necklace that says BELIEVE included but I loved it soooo much I immediately put it on and failed to include it in the picture! Thank you Sandy! I love the Apron and ADORE this necklace and I know I will get soo much out of the books you included! Thank you for your sweet friendship!
I also have to say thanks to Glenda for giving me this award! She is my new bloggy friend I met through the blog party! I felt I had a sweet friend instantly....You are such a sweetheart and I am sooo happy the Lord led me to your blog ~ You bless me with your sweet comments, each and everyone of them :)
Love and blessings
Breakfast with the President
5 hours ago