When your daughter is a Senior in High School, let me tell you..... "The time flies by way tooo fast!" Experiencing so many things for the very last time can at times break this mommas heart.
Her last High School Spring Break
Her final football game as an Athletic Trainer
Shopping for her last ever Prom Dress
Her final Basketball game as an Athletic Trainer
Multiple Senior Nights recognizing them and all of their accomplishments
Her final Soccer game as an Athletic Trainer
Along with all of these Lasts in her life we are also experiencing Many "Firsts"
Applying to Colleges
Being accepted and deciding where to go
Attending College Open Houses
Filling out countless Financial Aid Forms
Going to the College Greek Discovery Days
I will be honest, whether we are experiencing a First or a Last Situation I am in need of some serious KLEENEX! This weekend alone, we found the most beautiful Prom Dress for Jenna's very last Prom EVER! The very next day we were up and on the road by 7am to drive down to the College she has chosen. We went down to "Greek Discovery Day" to see if joining a Sorority is something she might be interested in.
During the Parent session one of the college advisers told us our #1 assignment as parents is to stop being Helicopter Parents ~ definition ~ to stop hovering over our children.
All the Parents listened and laughed and if they were like me they had to look within and ask...."Am I a Helicopter Parent? Do I hover?"
The Lord has blessed me abundantly with my children. To love them, care for them, and lead them in the way they should go. Each day has been such a gift! I know I haven't always done things perfectly, and no doubt at times I have definitely hovered.
I know letting go is a process, so for now, I am CHERISHING every single day....whether it is something we are experiencing for the first time, or sadly.... the last time.
I am so excited to see all the Plans God has in store for my girl....her Hope, her Future
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11