Friday was the SURPRISE bedroom makeover for Jen that took 17 hours (Ha 17 hours for the 17 yr old...should have done this years ago huh?) ;) My husband was SUPPOSE to be home by 11a.m. and something went wrong with his plane so he was rescheduled to arrive at 3. My mom got here around 10 and my oldest daughter saved the day and came around 1. She was our runner in the early part of the day going to get more paint, picking up her daddy at the airport, brother at school etc. But there was a point early in the morning when I was about to cry thinking there was no way to pull this off. I asked the LORD to please help and make this possible and EVERYTHING CAME TOGETHER. Mom and I spent most of the day putting on the primer and then around 3 Jennas friends and BRIAN showed up! They began adding the color and it went so quick! Well then they all left and now it was time for the tedious trimming the edges and corners and the ceiling too. Krista was amazing with the ceiling pole ~ we called her 'THE BEAST" and Brian, Mom and I did all the trimming. Finally after 17 long hours and many trips up and down the stairs we were finished. Where was Jen you say?? Well school during the day and her friends detained her afterschool, then she had to work a football game and then took her to eat afterwards until they received the "official ~ come home" text from us. We all sat patiently waiting to see her response......SHE LOVED IT! Here are some pics
Krista "the beast" painting the ceiling

Tyler and Angelea painting away
Some of us waiting on her to walk in to her SURPRISE!
Jennas room was HOT PINK before...I am so sorry I didn't take any before pics but here are some of the final outcome

This also leads into her bathroom which we also had to paint

This is my favorite! This is Rylee ~ I think she might be saying "GOOD GRIEF PEOPLE, it's 11pm and I have been such a good girl ALL DAY LONG.....ARE WE DONE YET??"
Then Saturday ~ Jenna had her first date. Ty asked her Daddy if he could take her out to dinner for her birthday. He gave them permission and he took her to an Italian restaraunt and then to Braums for ice cream.
Here they are all dressed up for their date.
On Sunday Brian cooked 6 racks of ribs, his famous and oh so delicious salsa, and coleslaw. I made 2 huge pans of potato casserole, corn on the cob, baked beans and brownies. We had a house full of family and friends. The kids had a good time and played a silly game called haha and then they played "twister"
This is the haha game. One says Ha. next one says ha and adds a ha to it and so on.....soooo silly and funny to watch
Here are some of the twister pics

We also rearranged our bedroom and the game room and put a recliner in my bedroom for my upcoming surgery this Friday so that I can sleep in it.
This morning Jen woke up and is sick. I am praying it is NOT the flu! She complained yesterday of her head hurting but bc of her party, I think she really downplayed how she truly felt.
It was a wonderful weekend and as my mom said "ALOT OF FAMILY BONDING" and we were all super sore :) but Jenna loves her room and I am soooo grateful for my family and Jenna has amazing friends and without any of them NONE of this would have been possible!
I missed visiting you all and have alot of catching up to do!
Love and blessings to you all!