Last week I shared with you all that I was hoping to get the new IPHONE4 right! Well, the night that we were planning on waking up @4am. to go get in line @ AT&T, both of our kids went to spend the night w/someone. Well, that is VERY RARE!! Jenna went to our oldest daughters house to stay, and about 3:30 she woke up having a cramp. She got up to get a drink of water and passed out!! Krista heard something hit the floor and found Jenna in the floor and had to help carry her back to bed. She started experiencing tingly arms and something was going on with her neck @ back as well. She texted her Daddy and he woke me up and we immediately drove together to get her because we certainly didn't want her driving home. I drove her Jeep WHILE she rode with her Daddy and as we were driving home Brian told me we needed to take her to the Emergency Room because she was barely responding and something wasn't right! When we arrived they ran a bunch of tests and determined she was DEHYDRATED. Thank goodness for the easy fix!!! We are making sure she is drinking Lots and Lots of Water and eating healthy!! Thank you Jesus!!
After all of the Prayers and things calmed down and we were on our way home I drove by the At&t store just to see if people were still in line and they had a sign on the door that because of the unprecedented number of Pre-Orders they were not even able to sell them and ONLY Apple would be selling the phones. I did not even have the energy to go the 30 min. to town and then stand in line so I just went home and snuggled my kids as we slept for most of the morning. BUT my Sweet Husband called Apple and asked them what the scoop was and they shared that the phones they had at present were for those who were currently in line and any pre-orders that were to be picked up on that day and anyone who did NOT pick theres up would lose it and those phones would be available tomorrow which was Friday. So He woke up early (AGAIN) and stood in line! Do you know that He got the last phone available!!!! It was sooooo very worth it because the Phone is truly Awesome!!!! Thank you Jesus!! and Thank you Honey! He (my Dh) continued to tell me from the git-go to have Faith ~ that I would get one and I did :) YAY
I have noticed that all over people are sharing how very HOT it is so remember to HYDRATE and drink Lots of Water OK :)
Have a blessed week my friends! May you experience Gods Love, Grace and Peace anew this day! I love you ALL!
The Wintered Tree
18 hours ago