"if you don't do what God is asking of you....HE will move on and find someone else to do it and YOU will miss out on the blessing?"
I have, and to be honest ~ I have even "felt" as if others had be blessed for what I should have done in the first place. But, isn't it true that.....
God is patient
God is kind
God is good
How then would a good, kind and patient person say "Well then, if they aren't going to do it then I will just find someone else to do this and they will be blessed instead of you?" Notice I said person....not God
Sometimes I think we Humanize our Heavenly Father to the point that we think HE will do what we might do. Our flesh and human minds would definately tend to be impatient with those who aren't listening or doing things as we think they should or in the timely manner that they should so it would only make sense that we would find someone else to do the task.
If we think about it....the Word tells us Gods is ALWAYS WITH US....HE NEVER LEAVES US, so even when we have turned away or may be in a season of allowing the world to pull us its direction instead of the heavenly eternal road we should be walking, God is still there patiently waiting and allowing us to make those choices, those mistakes. When we turn our hearts back to HIM and repent HE is always there waiting and as HIS word tells us HE will turn what the enemy meant for harm into good ~ He will complete what HE began in us.....
His Word will not return void, His Work in us will not GO TO someone else if it is meant for us! HE loves and adores us and yes we may face consequences, but the journey to each blessing HE has waiting for us is a gift in itself that HE longs to share each and every day. He corrects us because HE loves us!
Thankyou Lynn for sharing Thankful Thursdays with us please join her and others here

Loren, what a perfect addition to my post the other day!!!! I love that He is flowing through you and sharing in this way. I'll make it about me, just for a split second and say that this is another confirmation for me. Now, bigger, much bigger than that is a message that ALL should hear loud and clear. If it strikes a nerve for some (and there are some who it will), may they just seek God first and ask for understanding to confirm His truth and not their own thought.
Love you, dear sister. Praising God that our path's have intertwined, Heather ♥
My experience has been that even though I might not really want to accept a tasking, somehow it happens that I end up doing it, anyway!
Beautiful post my friend. I do believe that He gives us plenty of opportunity to bless others but it's us who makes the choice to act upon it. And being human we don't always make the right choice. I hate that! LOL!
You are so right. We try to put God in a box and limit Him. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, SusanD
Praising GOD, HIS word does NOT return void! HE is truly faithful!
Hope your shoulder is doing well, this morning. Praying GOD surrounds you with HIS perfect peace and comfort, today!
Hugs, andrea
My sister,
Did you hear my shout of Amen when you wrote: "Sometimes I think we Humanize our Heavenly Father to the point that we think HE will do what we might do."
Great message! Thank you for sharing!
Love you.
Loren, how right you are. I don't always enjoy the discipline but I know His ways are right and good and best for me. And how thankful we can be that He is so patient with us.
Blessings and love,
Oh Loren I loved this and felt it was soo inspiring. It is just soo true. He just loves us so, and it is hard sometimes for us to get our human heads around all that really means. I think the part where you said, "yes, we will face consequences" is what really does happen. Consequences both good and bad. He wants to bless us and keep us from harm, and all we need to do is obey. Why do we fight it is a really good question? haha Have a wonderful day Loren. Hugs...
Amen! What a wonderful post as God's heart shone from you! God is not a man that He should lie & the giftings and callings HE places on our lives are irrevocable! So needed to be reminded of this again today. Thanks.
Blessings, Heaven
Great word, Loren. I pray that I always keep my eyes open and my heart tuned to what He wants me to do. Love you
I think it is so true that we put our ways in handling relationships on God sometimes. But God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours! He is pure Love and as we learn to receive Him for Who He truly is and not what we think He is then our responses in our relationships will begin to reflect Him too. This was such a great post Loren! Hope you are doing well today!!
That was a great post!
Praise God your arm "hurts so good"!!
May he heal you completely!!
Such a lovely post. I love you bunches.
He will complete what HE began in us..
Oh Loren, This is a compelling post. Filled with truth. You cause me to think about the many times I put God in a box. Oh forgive me Lord.....
Outstanding post. Thank you and happy TT. Lynn
So glad that He is faithful to complete the work He began in me...He will see it through.
Love to that every word is true & that He will never leave me.
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