Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thankfulness can...

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be
thankful. Col3:15

Thankfulness can change our whole perspective at times!

Thankfulness can speak straight to the heart of someone who otherwise goes unappreciated.

Thankfulness can bring you to a place of humility.

Thankfulness can change even the coldest of hearts and minds!

Thankfulness can even be delayed due to what looks like an unanswered prayer but is actually revealing Gods perfect plan and will for your situation.

How do you see Thankfulness?

Please join Iris here @ Grace Alone



Beautifully said sis. Thankfulness can make you strong.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart

Hmmm....Now I feel slightly guilty. My Thankful post went a big differently. But if felt oh so good! LOL!
Love you my friend and your heart here is evident!

Diana Ferguson

Love the post!!!


So well said. Have a blessed weekend!

Daughter of the KING

Well said, Loren. Have an email devotional group, going to give them your site address so they may read this also. Thank you!

Nana Jul

Thankfulness jumps out of me everytime I see a God Stop!! Thankfulness keeps our hearts right with God!
Awesome post! Thanks Loren!
Happy TT day! And thank you for stopping by!

Whidbey Woman

Called into be peace! What a wonderful way to start my day.


Just couldn't agree more with your list. A thankful heart is a happy heart. Have a wonderful day Loren, HUGS, Debbie


Well said. Thankfulness eases the pains in the heart.


Thankfulness is a huge key for a happier life!

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! ~Henry Ward Beecher


Loren, Colossians 3:15 is one my favorites. This is a great post, and thank you again for your comments to me!


Thankfulness opens doors for more blessings into our lives.

great post Loren.



Beautiful! Thankfulness takes my time away from worries. Sister, I wish I can agree with your beautiful comment at my latest post. I had been busy and feel like not spending enough time at His feet. And I feel tired and weary like a little child wearing that heavy armor. I feel exhausted sometimes despite the strength and protection He gives us. I appear strong but deep inside, weak and crying. Please pray for me. I want to thank you for always encouraging me. And yes, I'm thankful to have sisters in Christ like you. You bless me! Love to you sister Loren. Take care.


I am always grateful for my loving Hubby, but sometimes when I'm a little more needy than others, he's quite simply my rock and my support. Aside from our daughters and granddaughter and sweet puppies, he is always there for me without question. So thankful!!!

He & Me + 3

Absolutely the truth my friend. Being Thankful is life changing.



Since we are called to be thankful in all things, good or bad, I've been trying to see the good in the bad and praise God for those.

It's not up to me to see the future and thus, I can only gain faith in believing in things unseen so unless I change my attitude and trust in Him, I am already setting myself up for failure.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat


I love your thoughts on thankfulness. I know for me it is way harder to dwell on the yuck if you spend your time recognizing all the things in life to be thankful for.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him..." With truths like that, how can we not be thankful!!

Love you and thankful for you!!


You know what I am thankful for...YOU. The fact that I can take a blogging break and know that very sweet and dear friends are waiting for me. I miss checking in everyday...not much longer and things will be back to normal here. Love your thankful heart Loren.


I see thankfulness for all of the reasons you have mentioned Loren,as always i leave having been blessed and challenged, Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit , and sharing what He places on your heart.


Like love, gratitude is an act of the will and not a feeling. It can contain feelings, but it's a package all it's own. When I'm thankful I'm nearer to humility than to pride - - and that's a good place for me to remain.


Elizabeth Dianne

"thankfulness can bring you to a place of humility,"--I like that and it is something the world needs more of. May it start with me. Thank you, Loren.

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