Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Counting in ALL JOY

Angel hosts this wonderful meme and isn't it AWESOME to share JOY! Won't you join in with us here and spread the JOY today!!

I am sooo filled w/JOY because Rylee was able to spend 2 nights and 3 FULL days with us!

I am sooo filled w/JOY that one of my friends has asked us to POOL sit for 2 weeks :) WOO HOO

I am sooo filled w/JOY while taking Rylee back to her momma tonight my DH and I were able to go out to eat and catch up w/each other! LOVE SPONTANEOUS DATE NIGHTS ♥

I am sooo filled w/JOY because the IPHONE 4 comes out tomorrow and I am praying I get one! I went into the AT&T store to ask them about the phones and then said should I just pre-order. She said NO! Apple set aside 300,000 for presale orders and over 800,000 people logged on to pre-order their phones!! 800,000!! That's CRAZY :) I may be camping out LOL

I am sooo filled w/JOY that no matter where I go I am able to read my Bible with the YouVersion app on my IPHONE! Sitting and waiting all I have to do is pick up my phone and there is Gods Word ready to speak to me!! :) Isn't that awesome!!

What are you JOYFUL for today??



I got the Motorola Droid a couple months ago and I love it! Good luck getting your phone.

Kathy C.

I love joy...what a sweet gift from our loving Father, that He gave us the ability to FEEL! :)


I've been lagging lately and you know that sister. But when it comes to "joy" I gotta' come here and share being thankful to the One Who is our true source of joy! That must be a wonderful feeling to be with a special grandchild all the time. When my own time comes to become a nana, I will know that special bond...God-willing :)

Isn't it nice to have those times with our hubbies just to even talk? So precious. And I do hope you get your new phone! Technology nowadays...I love cell phones just because I can go read the Scripture too in just a matter of seconds. Without logging on in the big computer. Or check emails. God bless you sister Loren and may you have a wonderful week ahead. On a blog break still but I want to pay you a visit and leaving a cup of Starbucks Verona at your door :) Take care and thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Love you sister!


Pool sitting...what torture! LOL!! We all need some friends like that!
I am thankful for you...You, my dear are a blessing!


I am counting it joy for knowing you Loren, you always inspire me. Enjoyed reading your joyful post, hope you get your I phone 4,and now girl, I enjoyed your new profile picture, you are looking great!!! those whatcha may call it lessons(zumba?) are really paying Enjoy the pool because it is really hot here.
I also enjoyed your summer list on your previous post.


I'm joyful that I have a awesome wife and seven great life is goooood!

Thanks for the encouragement!


“For thou makest him most blessed for ever: Thou makest him glad with joy in thy presence”
Psalm 21:6


So glad you joined in again. Wasn't sure you did since you aren't linked up.

How exciting that you had Rylee so long and ended it with a spontaneous date with your sweet hubby!!

Pool sitting for 2 weeks, how fun!!

I love youversion, we were actually teaching a discipleship class to kids at when Craig started that. It is amazing. I put it on my ipad too and the boys do a lot of their bible reading on it. Too cool!!

Glad you are having such a Joyfilled week!!

Love you

Beth E.

Pool sitting sounds like a COOL job! Oh, and hooray for spontaneous date nights! ;-)


Living with a heart full of joy is the best way to live your life, isn't it? So much to be thankful for.


Enjoyed reading this! Pool sitting sounds great! Hope you are having a good week.


I love your joy sis.


What a blessing to have Rylee this week. And a romantic date planned? I loved hearing about the You Version on your IPhone and how God's Word talks to you. You are an avid reader and I know how energetic you are so that is perfect for you!

You are a joy to my life, Loren!
Love ya,

He & Me + 3

I totally need that phone. Sounds amazing. Date nights are so fun...especially the ones you are not expecting. Good for you and hubs.



I am thankful for you Iphone because its how we stay in touch with you most days. My email always states, send from Iphone.

Here's hoping you get one.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Girly Muse

You are so awesome. I'm so happy you get to pool sit! (I'll be RIGHT OVER!) Have a blast. Your joy is infectious.

Have missed you this week! Feels like I need to have a good visit with my friend. Just catching up. :)

Love you!

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