Being a New Year many people set new goals and some seek the Lord in new endeavors. Some plow head first into doing what they 'THINK" is what the Lord wills them to be doing. I have been guilty of this numerous times...Some times it works out and others well it is clear it was my Flesh and my Will that was operating and not the Lords. Was it wrong? Yes and No. Did the Lord work it out? Yes but I must say was after I repented and slowed way down seeking where I went off in my direction and why I didn't do things in HIS ways/timing. Why was I so impatient....Did I not trust you Lord? Do I seriously think my ways were going to accomplish the best results? Do I convince myself that I had a clear YES from the Lord or do I ignore those promptings the Holy Spirit gives me..... It is my hopes for myself that in this new year I hear and OBEY what the Lord has for me. It is my hopes that I lead those I love to have this desire....namely my children. I wanted to share this devotional with you in regards to these types of situations....It speaks VOLUMES.....From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
I am WITH YOU AND FOR YOU. When you decide on a course of action that is in line my MY will, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged ~ never give up!
With MY help, you can overcome any obstacle. Do not expect an easy path as you journey hand in hand with ME, but do remember that I, your very-present Helper, an omnipotent.
Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to ME and do things MY way, ask ME to show you the path forward moment by moment. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let ME set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in MY presence.
One thing I have experienced in doing things in my way is that if I don't obey, If I don't listen....I can guarantee I WILL be back around this mountain AGAIN AND AGAIN until I do things the LORDS way :) until I pass the test
For other posts on Spiritual Sundays please go here ....also if you would like an opportunity to help another blogger in need please go to Rosels blog here and help in whatever way the Lord may lead you
May we all have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying
Breakfast with the President
8 hours ago
I have always found that things in my life go so much smoother when I simply get out of God's way and let Him lead!
We hinder God from working, by trying to work it out for Him.
Excellent post and one we all need to read and follow. Good words from Sarah and you.......You came to my mind a few minutes ago. I was out in the yard grilling some steaks for dinner. The sun was still shining bright and I was warm without any coat or sweater. I thought of your post of a few days back. I thought what devotion to your family....and grilling.LOL Have a great weekend!
Thank you for sharing with us dear sister. Love you.
Loren this is a great post and everything you remind of us of is so true...In order to lead lives pleasing to God we just have to follow Him and His leading in our lives. Soo simple, and yet so much easier said than done sometimes. i love the part where you wrote that when we doing what the Lord wants with us NOTHING is able to stop us. And how true it is that so much of our stress comes from trying to MAKE things happen on our own. Thanks for writing all this. Blessings, Debbie
This is not something that is easy. With lots of prayers I am truly at the point where I am doing it his way.
God Bless,
Sister Loren, I can't take a nap yet prior to going to work. Just had a big dinner [I usually don't eat that much :(]...But like you, that's what I'm praying discern and truly know what comes from the Spirit and what He wants me to do. It was His love that prompted me, to help out whatever way I can to help out sister Denise and her DH. We may not be able to right all the wrongs, but what is faith without love? What is works without faith in Him? In helping a bro. & sister truly in need, I am praying it is the Lord that is glorified in all of this. Thank you for sharing my post and for posting the prayer button for this special couple, sister Denise and DH. Have a great weekend sister! I love you sister Loren. I might not know you personally but I feel like I do. I may not be quick to show emotions but when I speak, that's from my heart. Thank you for your friendship and prayers and being a great sister to me. God bless.
How true your words are Loren. I have allowed my flesh to reign more times than I care to admit. But I'm learning. God's ways are best.
Bless your precious heart sweetie, I love and appreciate you.
You do not know how timely this was for me to read today Loren! All I can say right now is thank you! Thank You!
A very good word and so true...things are so much better when we allow the Lord to do it...
Slow down and follow Him is good advice, Loren. Thank you for sharing.
This is such a good post and great reminder for us as we struggle to do God's will in our lives. Even when we move ahead with our own agenda, God works all things out for good! A blessing for sure. God bless.
I don't want to keep circling the mountain...I choose to wait...pray...let HIm lead.:) thanks for this.
This post is a good reminder that God will take care of things - all things - in his time. I guess it is human nature to want to "get on with it" and I think he must smile a little when we try to take off on our own way. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us today.
Hi Loren, Great post, been around that mountain quite a few times myself, thank you for sharing, just so blessed.
Oh, that flesh! And you know, no matter what tempernment we are, we can get "in the way!"
Wonderful words today Loren!
We need to all remember to focus on God's Word FIRST in our lives to help determine the still small voice that is trying to guide us through our days with purpose. So easy to get distracted along the way!
I loved hearing from you - life has been busy but I hope to post more often now that I have a lull in my school time. Glad to hear that you are getting a boxer baby!! I LOVE my boxer -she is such a huge part of our family! They are very high energy dogs, but they are so loving and loyal to the ones that they love. I will NEVER have any other kind of dog - I am hooked!
I hope that you will post about your new boxer baby - and please post lots of pictures!
Blessings on your day today,
Fantastic post Loren! A great reminder for me as I strive to do HIS will!
Have a blessed week sister!
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