Bags packed (check)
Hair appointment today (check)
Manicure and Pedicure appointment today (check)
Groceries bought and put away (check)
Gas for Generator in case of power outage (check)
Firewood loaded and ready to keep everyone warm (check)
As you can see I will have a fun day today ~ I am getting my hair done and my nails and a pedi woohoo! But in that back of my mind I am wondering if it is necessary.....They have increased our snow and added substantial ice to the forecast. In Oklahoma well, we just aren't prepared to handle this type of weather!! DISASTER was in the forecast ~ yep ~ the meteorologist actually said Disaster! LOL Nothing like sending everyone into a PANIC
Here are a few of the Facebook Status' I read last night:
Here at walmart with the rest of the town
comment: OH! I thought everyone was here at Reasors with me! :)
Make your bread, toilet paper, and milk run NOW! Oh wait, they are all gone!
As you can tell, we are all calm ~ no need to worry .....NOT! I will keep you posted....
Love and Blessings
My Word.
18 hours ago
Praying for you!! Hugs,
Yikes girl! Get outta there. :) It's nice in Florida, well, for US it's cold...but for you it will be paradise!;)
Goodness...I suppose it is good to keep up with the weather around the world, I hadn't known that you were in the midst of chaos. Enjoy the pampering while you can and may The Lord protect you, your family and home in all of the coming snow. Bless you, sister.
Loren you are just the sweetest ever. I love you. I'm praying NO for major snow or ice. You are so prepared in more ways than one. God's got you covered and then some.
Thank you for your many comments on my site. Your heart is faithful and ever so true and sincere. I call you precious friend and sister with great honor as you are that not only me but to every one who has gotten to know you. I'm sending tremendously big hugs your way, a sweet kiss on your cheek and pray the snow stays away!!
Love you,
WOW...Praying all will be fine....Don't know if I have ever heard them use the word "disaster" to describe weather that is coming. I'll be checking back later for sure to see what's happening...Hugs, Debbie
In the meantime, enjoy your day of pampering
You are funny! I hope it is not a disaster! LOL
I hope you enjoy your pampering day though. I will be keeping my eye out for how the weather is coming along in Tulsa. I am always interested anyway but now I am intrigued. :)
Sounds like you are TOTALLY prepared... good for you! :) The forecast can sure panic people, we have all kinds of scary forecasts lately. "Treacherous, life threatening" Nothing like a little reassurance! ;) Enjoy your day... it sounds so relaxing!! I have been out of the loop lately, what kind of trip are you taking?
Love & Blessings,
Praying His love and protection over you precious friend.
Oh DEAR. Well, at least if you DO get snowed in (hoping you won't!!!), you will look FABULOUS. :)
Love you...
Funny but I know the forecast isn't. May God protect you all. Be safe as you travel. Take good care sister and yes, enjoy your appointments... Love to you.
This is me hoping for you that the weatherman is dead know they are sometimes. BUT with all you are mentioning they just might have it right this time. :-( I will keep tuned in to see what happens.
OH Loren..isn't it just crazy around here! I am hoping and praying it's not as bad as they think!! I will be praying for you...let us know if you end up going or not.
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