What I feel HE is saying to me for this season is this ~ Get out of your box Loren ....I see this in my reading, I feel this in my ministry, in our own walk with HIM as well. I feel HIM stretching me and my family and I am excited to see what this looks like!
I am seeking HIM diligently and I know HE will show me the way
What about you? Are you seeking HIM, are you taking quiet time to Listen to what HE is saying? HE longs to speak, to share HIS will for you ~ You are HIS Beloved
I am reading quite a few new books for review and LOVE when the Lord brings things into your life that all have the same theme! I haven't finished them but I can tell you I will be HIGHLY recommending them once I am done!
Francis Chan ~ "Forgotten God ~ Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit"
Tass Saada w/Dean Merrill ~ "Once an Arafat Man ~ The True Story of how a PLO Sniper found a New Life"
and on a lighter note
Peggy Yarber ~ The Judas Ride
I pray everyone has a safe New Years Eve and enjoys their families. We will be having a quiet night at H♥ME with our kids and some of their friends and our Precious Grandbaby will be spending the night with us WAHOO!! This is a change as we usually spend the evening with our group of friends playing games or in the most recent years we have gone to a church and spent the evening on our faces before the Lord in Praise and Worship and just in prayer and hearing what the Lord is saying to us and for the coming year. We plan on doing this here at home this year and I am excited to bring in this new Year here in the Peace of our own H♥ME with the LORD leading us every step of the way!
Love and Blessings to you all

It is scary to be taken out of our boxes...but the blessings we receive when we stretch and grow ourselves for Him are beyond imaginable.
Hugs for a wonderful new year my friend,
May your New Year be full of God's abundant blessings and love. I am looking forward in eager anticipation of all He has in store for us..Hugs and blessings to you, Debbie
Dear loren, My deepest sympathy to you and your family in the passing of your father, I have been gone from blogland for a few weeks and came back today to visit you, and found that your father had gone to be with the Lord.
What a wonderful tribute to him, I will continue to pray for you.
I too am so glad to have found such wonderful friends here in blogland, God is so Gracious!
In reading your post today It seems I could have written it, I too am feeling a need to get out of my box, my comfort zone if you will. Thank you for sharing your heart every time you write, Your love for God, your family and those here in blogland always blesses me so much.
We are planing a very quiet and reflective New Years eve at home too, and plan to be on our knees praying when the New Year comes in.
Praying for a most blessed New Year for you and your family,
Loren, I read Francis Chan's Crazy Love book and loved it. I am glad to see you're enjoying his second book. I can't wait to hear more about it.
How are you doing? I know it's been a tough Christmas for you with your dad's passing.
May this next year be a time to step out as you mentioned. I know I tend to stay in my comfort zone but it takes faith to allow God to lead us where He chooses.
I am joining eLisa of Extravagant Grace in a week of prayer and Scripture for the new year. I wrote about it on my earlier post today. I hope you will join in.
My family and I are doing the same. There is nothing like the peace and quiet at home and it's awesome that we can worship as a family. Those books sound great! I'm just praying for the Lord to bless all of His children and help us all grow in maturity as 2010 comes. Happy New Year to you sister Loren. God bless you and your family always. Love you in Christ.
We too are seeking to spend a quiet night at home, having snack foods handy and some movies nearby. Just being around family with love and warmth is the perfect way to end any year or any day for that matter.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I am with you...I don't like resolutions...though with each year it is great to reflect as we start a new one. This year...I feel like God is saying...have more fun and enjoy and savor every day because it is a gift from Him. I have found myself uptight and no fun any more. I started today by building my own snowman in the front yard. Haven't done that in years...it was fun...and a little freeing. Brought out the inner young girl in me...somedays I think I have forgotten who she was and all the adventures she went on. Happy New Year! Many Blessings to come!
Loren, I believe God has great things in store for you and your family this year! :) Have a wonderful New Years my friend. :)
Wow - are we the same person or what? I almost thought I was on my blog for a minute!
You are such a blessing my friend and I pray that you seek Him and find Him in the most awesome ways this year!
As someone who went through some turbulent times for a "long" season...and finally surrendered to get out of her box.....OH BOY...what a wonderful journey you are beginning. I praise GOD for bringing you to this place...GOD BLESS YOU, sweetie.
Love, hugs, and continued prayers,
Loren, I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. You have had a rough year. I am sorry for your loss. I pray the very best New Year for you. Thank You for being a part of my blog. I look forward to another year blogging with you. My grand baby will be here soon:) Much Love and Blessings, Audrey
I thoroughly enjoyed "Forgotten God", and then I delved into "The Sacred Echo" (Margaret Feinburg). Both left me wanting more, and "more" was of Him.
Be blessed in the new year(s) to come,
After reading your post, all i can say is "look out world!" God has great things in store for you, I just know it. I share your passion to hear from Him...the desire of my heart. There is nothing like the voice of the Lord.
Hugs & prayers!
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