Lynn is hosting Thankful Thursfdays and asking us to count our blessings no matter what we are going through HA! THAT I CAN DO :)
I am thankful for my son who decides to surprise me and sneaks in and puts on his suit, picks some flowers, and came to me at my chair and asked if I would go dance with him under the moonlight on the back porch *sniff sniff* ISNT THAT SWEET
I am thankful that when I am going through trials like these I can turn on my computer and see a list of comments from you all with NOTHING BUT ENCOURAGEMENT!! THANKYOU ALL SOOOO MUCH
I am thankful for my friends who are bringing me lunch and sitting with me today so that they can push the button on my machine from cold to hot (every 30 min!) and we are watching a chick flick while it is nothing but gloomy outside it is raining sunshine in my room today :)
I am thankful that when I am down and discouraged with this stuff I can sit with my Heavenly Father and share my heart and the Holy Spirit washes over me with Peace that passes ALL understanding!
Please go visit Lynn and see many other thankful people today!
Put on that garment of PRAISE for the spirit if heaviness!!!

Not only on Thursdays, but every day and every minute, I am thankful for the opportunity to not only have you as a friend but part of my family as well. Your love, inspiration and warmth fill me each day when I find myself down and out. I remember your beautiful smile and I can pull out a warm card and see the love in your words.
Thank you for allowing me to become part of you life as well! You are a real blessing from God!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
What a precious and beautiful thank you list. I think it is my favorite of all I have ever read. How precious....dancing in the moonlight with your son. Sons are the best! I am a bit partial..I have 3 and they each have very sweet hearts.
I am continuing to pray for you. Take it easy.
Love, hugs, and prayers, andrea
I love your list and thankful heart and hope for many more splashes of sunlight on your precious face, dear one!
You have such a precious heart Loren. I just love stopping in here - you lift me up!
What a sweet list of blessings....
That is a wonderful list and I would have been a puddle if my son had done that for me.
So glad you had a wonderful day with friends. So fun!
There is nothing like having good friends and great family when your down!
I'd push your buttons for your girlfriend. You know I would!!!
What a beautiful post!!
What a wonderful way to find the joy and blessing in the day!!!
You are truly blessed my dear with friends and family that love you!!!
Praying you are feeling better soon!!
Such a sweet list, bless your dear heart.
What a precious son you have. I cried just reading the comment. You have so much to be thankful for and I truly am thankful I stumbled upon your blog and now call you friend!! Continued prayers going up for you girl! Strength....peace....JOY in the midst.
How sweet of your son to do that... :) Great lists and your thankful attitude spills over...Praising Him with you sister and thanking Him for His everlasting kindness. Thank you for your prayers. My son is so much better today...Just needs to rest more and get his strength back. Glory be to God! Love you sister and I pray that all is well. Have a great weekend.
What a sweet son!! And, what a beautiful post! Your grateful heart is so refreshing! I am glad you have such a wonderful family to help you and make you feel loved and special and amazing real life friends to push buttons and watch chic flicks with you and blogging friends who love you enough to pray for you and read about your sweet heart and daily life with Jesus.
I love it every time I come to visit you, :)
Yes, one should be thankful for their blessing everyday!
Hi Loren,
Girl, what a delightful, delightful post. I see so much joy in your heart despite your circumstances. I felt your joy in your words.
You honor Jesus with your heart and words. Thank you. See you again for TT. Hugs, Lynn
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