While I was away last week I received some prizes that I had won! I had entered a few book giveaways.....(Let me just add this was BEFORE I became a book reviewer ) :) anyhoo ~ Clif at Musings of a Minister
is one of my favorite bloggers and he is an independent book reviewer and is able to review ALOT of books. He has many giveaways so if you like to read you will want to check out his blog and enter his giveaways for sure! I won 2 books
"God will do the Rest" by Catherine Galasso-Vigorito. This book really spoke to me and I can't wait to dig in and read it. I also won
"The Woman who named God" by Charlotte Gordon. Clif told us that this book will get you out of your box.....well I live that way :) He said it was one of the most challenging, provocative and informative books. He also shared that there are some things that will scare some Christians with the verbage so he clearly warned us. I assured him that it would not scare me and I also can't wait to dig into this one as well! So Thankyou Clif for allowing us the opportunities and doing such an amazing job of reviewing books for us :) I am blessed to be your follower
I also one the (IN)courage TSHIRT! I was so thrilled to receive this and hope this picture does it justice. It is a very nice tshirt and I twisted it so you could see the scripture on the back of the shirt! I know some will say I should have modeled it but everyone is away so it just didn't work out. If you all are not followers of the (In)courage website I really recommend it.....I am (in)couraged daily!
When I went to my mailbox I got yet another card today from my friend and (sister, because we are sooo much alike) It just made my day! I took my honey to the airport this morning and it was raining like CRAZY and you know my son said last night....Mom, do you realize in the past 4 months we haven't all been together for more than a week and a half, and now dad is going away tomorrow.....Made me sad. My son wasn't complaining but he is just sweet that way so I was just sad to say goodbye yet again, so coming home and getting that card was a bright spot in my day :) Thanks Kat, I love you dearly
I also won this award today from Kat at Heart2Heart
Anytime you win an award particularly one that is about friendship it is humbling! This Blog world has been such a blessing and to say that I have found friendships that are so special is truly not even the half of it! We are a circle of friends ~ a family, a body of believers, a group of prayers warriors, brothers and sisters who love support and encourage one another with our stories, our comments or posts that particular day! Thankyou Kat and to all of my followers please know that I want you to have this award because each one of you completes this circle!
love and blessings to you all
Breakfast with the President
7 hours ago
Wow! You are a winner and a friend. I'm glad you received all these nice things. Thank you for the nice words about me and my blog. Have a great evening.
So it was like blessings welcoming you home! I can only imagine what heaven will be like! I love the shirt too! Very beautiful and it is something you can wear while visiting your dad. Maybe it will in(courage) him??!!
Congratulations on your award it was so well deserved and defined just who you are and what you do for every person whose blog you leave a comment on or stop by.
P.S. Didn't you just love the envelope the card came in? It was almost too pretty to mail.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh hey, I completely forgot. I got the same book and perhaps we can do a co blog about it. Let me know when you begin reading it.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I started making a comment but went away for a second to check on something and then what I had written was gone. I'll try again.
I love your T-shirt and the books are really good. I read The Woman Who Named God. It was different, but interesting. I love that you received the Circle of Friends award, but am accepting it because I sure consider you one of my friends.
It's great you're reviewing books now too.
Yay! Blessings left and right and you so deserve these! Congratulations! May the Lord's comfort be with you all. Thanks be to God for this awesome friendship He gives to us! Glory to God forever! Love you sister Loren!
Congratulations Loren on winning some cool stuff and the award from Kat! You have a great Blog that keeps us coming back to see what you are going to write about. Kat (my wife) from Heart 2 Heart really treasures the friendships she has made through this forum.
Shirt looks great too!
Keep the Faith!
You have been blessed with all sorts of goodies!!
Love ya,
Please stop by my blog for a special blessing from God.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
AMEN!Loren, you have truly blessed my life and I count it a privilege to call you a friend and sister. Together we storm the heavens and love our neighbors....
You my friend are a witness beyond that which you can imagine. Your strength during the months past have truly been a testimony to so many. May GOD continue to use you in a mighty way for HIS kingdom.
Love ya, andrea
WOOHOO! You go girl LOL. God knows just when we need a little extra encouragement! Thanks for mentioning the blogs. I look forward to checking them out.
Loren, Thank You so much for the update on your Dad. I am still praying for him. Congratulations on your great award !!! I really hope you will pick up the awards on my blog. I would so love for you to have each one. Thank You for all your great comments and adding my name to your blogroll. It touched my heart. You are such an awesome lady and I am blessed to know you and call you my friend. Audrey
Oh such fun things to win. And friends seem to know just when you need encouragement the most.
Big hugs to you sweet friend.
You are just getting blessed beyond measure! I am so glad! :)
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