Yesterday was a long day. Let's just say I had opposition everywhere I turned. In the physical and in the spiritual realm. At least, this time I wasn't "fearful" traveling by myself. As I sat in Dallas for the 3 hour layover I wasn't able to connect to the internet bc I don't have an air card but I do have my IPHONE :) I was able to read from my Kindle and check in on Facebook. Lisa Shaw I love you and appreciate your prayer that you were led to put up as your status. God really spoke to me and I knew that these trials that had come against me were no coincidence. For heavens sakes I stood in the shower yesterday morning crying out for God to "ANNOINT me in the ways HE wanted and said HERE I am LORD: send me, use me. I am yours; let me glorify YOU"
As I was on my final plane so I took a piece of paper and wrote out a prayer and laid down the offenses that came and what lied ahead and just asked the Lord to forgive me and to let me walk in the Spirit!
I didn't see my dad til this morning. What a beautiful wonderful joyful sight to see! My daddy sitting on the couch with his blanket working away on his computer :) To think last week at this time we didn't even know if he was going to make it! but I think He looks really good. He has lost alot of weight since I left a couple of weeks ago and has the oxygen but overall I just wanted to tackle him and hug him and never let go :) His biggest hurdle is his appetite. Food just doesn't even taste good but he is trying! His throat is feeling better every day which i such a gift and he is really doing good hydrating himself! We get to see his oncologist tomorrow which wasn't suppose to happen until Sept 11 so I am thrilled to get to do that!
For now I am cherishing each moment so please forgive me if I don't get around to alot of blogs this week ~ I will if he is sleeping but I just don't know what to expect just yet and I want to spend each moment with him
love and blessings to you all
Breakfast with the President
7 hours ago
I'm so glad to be able to come check in on you. IT's been a rough week without a computer but for now we have our old one back and it's holding it's own. I sure wish you were closer so we could get together!!!
Love you my sweet friend and I'm glad you made it there safely!!
You just spend every moment you can with your dad!! Don't even give anything else a thought, you cherish those moments!! Praying for good news tomorrow at the appt.
Love & Blessings,
Thank God for the Kindle. The lord is good.
Use this time, God has provided for you to spend with your dad. You may not be able to win him over with words, but your actions will speaker much louder to him. You both will be in my prayers for God to create the opportunity for you to minister to your dad and for your dad's heart to be opened to receive God's invitation.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I'm so thrilled you got that opportunity to see your dad. And I know he must be thrilled to see his loving daughter as well...Praying for this precious moment to be filled with the Lord's love, protection, healing, strength, comfort over all of you. Love you in Christ sister Loren.
I only gave you that advice because I felt that's what the Lord wanted me to tell you that day...and after experiencing it myself...along with my brothers...
Every day goes by so fast. And we can never take it back. Now, even if anything happens, it feels so good to have at least those precious moments, that otherwise would not be created if we didn't do anything and if we had that power to make it happen.
But thanks be to God Who makes it happen in HIS PERFECT TIME!!! You have nothing to be afraid of sister...When He wills something, it doesn't matter what the enemy does, he may cause annoyance but he's never, ever gonna' win for he's already defeated! I'm really happy for you that you have this precious time! So shoo....go be with your dad... :)
God bless and keep you...
Loren, I have continued with my prayers for you and your Dad. I am so glad he is doing better and you are getting to spend much needed time with him. Don't worry about anything else, It will all still be here when you have time. Enjoy and cherish this time with your Dad. Thank You for taking your time to update. Many Thoughts and Prayers. Audrey
Praying for sweet, precious time for you and yoru Dad.
Skip my blog and spend that time with your dad. Time is precious stuff these days. Glad he is doing better. Our prayers continue.
So thankful you are home with your dad and that he is doing well.
It seems that the prayers for your Dad have been working! Now Lord I pray that you keep Loren's Father in good health and on a road to recovery! may the Lord Bless him and keep him, becoming healthier everyday! May your will be done!
God Bless and spend as much time as you can with your Dad!
Sweet Loren, enjoy and treasure that time with your daddy! He is always on my prayer list and on my lips each morning as I spend time lifting up those prayer needs to the Throne.
You bless me more than you will know. Get some rest and don't worry about us bloggy people! We will be thinking of you daily.
So thankful you're there and that your daddy is doing better. So happy you're together and praying for some hopeful news from the oncologist today. Love you!
Cherish every moment my friend...I am praying for your dad and your family. May the Lords healing power flow in each of your lives in every way!
Howdy Loren
Stopped by to let you know that I join my prayers with you .
May you see the hand of God move in new and mighty ways and feel a fresh new annointing fall upon you for each moment you are in need of the Fathers touch .
May your eyes see God work in your eathly Daddy's life in wonderful unqiue and oh so awesome ways.
Lord Jesus I thank you that you are calling those who can help and placing them in Loren's and her Daddy's path daily .
Heavenly Father we thank you by faith for the miracles that will unfold and all the many little special moments you are providing for this family in Jesus name amen.
Big Hugs with blessings
Happy Trails
Praying for you, and your dad.
Sweetie, I know your heart and I am storming the heavens.
LOVE YOU, andrea
What good timing the Lord has. It has been a month or more since Kat had me up on her blog of the week and here you choose today to visit me, leading me to this post. On the day my dearest in life friend went home to be with her mama as she dies. I am not sure what that means except that I feel it is truly of the Lord. Praying for your strength as you walk with Father by your father's side.
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