I don't know about you but I sure have had my days messed up this week! I am ALWAYS thankful for a 3 day weekend and the short week after. It's always fun seeing who is the most confused about which day it is. This time ~ I think I win the most confused award ;)~
I am super excited to share with you all, a new series that will begin next Thursday! Lisa @ StopnSmelltheChocolates will be hosting this much needed series. You can go here and learn how the Lord has laid this on Lisa's heart and how her willingness to do it occurred! I have to say....Having someone Encourage you just because, or right at that perfect moment, or maybe when you least expected it is just so awesome! I can tell you as a Blogger, reading encouraging comments just makes my day! Doesn't it yours!?
I am so thankful to be able to participate in some really awesome and godly meme's and this one will no doubt be just as awesome as the others! I mean really, how can you go wrong when you are encouraging someone??
I hope you all will join in and bless others with your encouragement and I would be willing to guess that as we sow encouragement we will reap encouragement as well!! How exciting is that!! I love when GODS Word becomes alive and active in our blogging!! Don't you!
See you Next Thursday over @ StopnSmelltheChocolates!
Um, I think I have you beat with the "What day is it really". My hubby had to work all weekend and then had TUESDAY off of all days and so yesterday I went around thinking it was Saturday for some weird reason. I got a lot done though and I obviously didn't miss any appointments, so I'm good. LOL!
Have a wonderful day my friend and thanks for plugging Lisa's series. It's going to be great.
Well, I must confess I'm not so good (let's say "horrible") at connecting to the various Memes to prevalent here in cyberspace. Some days I wonder how I'm ever going to get around to visit all the precious bloggers I've grown fond of. But you're right when you speak of how vital is the giving & receiving of encouragement. May there never be a shortage of it on either side!
Thank you so much Loren!! You are too sweet!! I do hope we can all spread a little encouragement through the blogosphere! Hugs!
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