Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spiritual Sundays ~ Weird

I LOVE my Pastor, Craig Groeschel. He is an amazing teacher of Gods Word. He is also a Very Anointed Author! Some of his books include Chazown, The Christian Atheist, and his most Recent book, titled "Weird. Because Normal Isn't Working."

We are in the middle of this series "Weird. Because Normal Isn't Working" and as usual, I am so appreciative of Pastor Craigs ability to teach.

This week Craig presented a question to all of us.....

"What is your bowl of Stew?"

Weird huh! He is referring to Genesis 25:29-32 when Esau gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of stew!
If you are like me, you may think "Who in their right mind would seriously give up their birthright for a bowl of stew?" You know those questions you are saving up for Heaven? This is definitely one I will be asking. I mean, seriously, How Stupid is that? Ahem, let's get back the Stew :) Unfortunately, many Normal people actually do this very thing on a daily basis. Craig shared some examples of how we are "Trading the Ultimate for the Immediate."

Some trade purchasing those shoes that go with that purse and of course, the hat too (the immediate) in for having Financial Freedom, and the peace that comes with that. This would/could possibly allow us to be so very generous, going above and beyond in our tithe. (the Ultimate)

Some trade in immediate gratification with food, satisfying our flesh instead of the having self control. The Ultimate, being blessed with a healthy and active lifestyle and treating our bodies as the temple God says they are.

For some, The Immediate is giving in to Lustful desires. Allowing the eyes to look upon someone other than their spouse, or even worse seeking sites on the computer that are sinful and addictive. This is clearly Trading the Ultimate for the Immediate!

I have never really considered how many of us are just like Esau. Trading the Ultimate for the Immediate. Taking that soup and satisfying our Flesh. We want what we want NOW ... NOT LATER! At times we even think, "Gosh, if I can't have that NOW, I am going to DIE!" I know it has been said we live in a Microwave world...Fast food, immediate replies via text messaging or emails.
We are sooo accustomed to "The immediate" but as is always the case with the LORD, HIS WAYS are NOT Our Ways!

We must renew our minds, change our thoughts and ways. Weird people Know.... "LATER is often better than NOW"

Proverbs 16:32 NLT tell us:

"Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city"

We must Seek God until Gods desires become our own desires! Not allowing our sinful nature to rule and reign our desires but to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in all we do! Galatians 5:16-17 NLT says:

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. "The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires.

Soo....What is your bowl of Stew?

Thank you Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sundays! To join in and/or read other Spiritual Sundays go here


Betsy Banks Adams

Very nice post, Loren, and Happy Palm Sunday to you. I need to learn patience. That is SO hard for me. I don't like waiting for things--and because I'm impatient, sometimes I don't make good choices.. I pray for guidance and patience every single day. Many times, with God's help, we don't need to live in the 'immediate' --but should wait for 'later'....

God Bless.

Nikki (Sarah)

your pastor sounds like an excellent pastor....and I like the what is your bowl of stew....something to really think about. Have a super Sonday Loren...


Thanks for a wonderful, thought-provoking post. I think it's good to stop and think about how often we focus on the immediate in this world.
By the way, you're a pretty good teacher yourself.


Such a timely post for me. I loved the immediate/ultimate descriptions. I will be ordering that book.

I hope your week is full of ultimated blessings!



Pastor Craig comes across my computer screen with such a powerful anointing. I always want to jump on board. But then, your anointing is powerful too. Thanks for your post. Inspiring.

Love you,


How wonderful to have a pastor like yours. I think the "stew" question is a good one. I think we are too many times ready to sacrifice the ultimate for the immediate. Thank you, Loren, for sharing these words of encouragement.


Oh boy, another one I struggle with in the form of patience and instant gratification. We are so used to everything being fast-paced and "instant" that it's hard to budget and plan and wait things out like they did in "the old days." I think the recession helped us see things a little clearer, but there are those moments. On-line shopping is a tough one. =D

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