I shared last week about my Mom and I taking a road trip from Oklahoma to North Dakota to attend a funeral. We had such a blessed trip. I LOVE LOVE LOVE time with my Mom ~ truly, it doesn't matter what we do, and being able to have her with me one on one is like a sweet gift from the Lord!! We had many laughs, some deep talks and rarely did she get upset with me about my driving ;)~
As we were on our way home the second day, we both needed to take a potty break and we were both in desperate need of some COFFEE!!! We saw a sign on the highway that read Soda Fountain and Stoner's Drug. Immediately Mom and I were like..."Stoner's Drug??? ~ we MUST check this place out!!" So we exited the highway and entered what looked to be a itty bitty town that might have a population of possibly 100!! NO LIE! We went a couple of blocks and turned onto main street and saw the sign we were looking for in all it beauty..... STONER DRUG. I looked at mom and said "maybe we will see Charlie Sheen!!!???" hahaha
We parked and walked in. OK, I must tell you ....THIS WAS ONE OF THE MOST PRECIOUS PLACES ON EARTH that "I" have ever been to!!!
You walk through the doors immediately entering the "drug store" and then you see in the rear of the store the SODA FOUNTAIN counter. Stools lined this authentic old fashioned Soda Fountain. The wonderful aroma of strong coffee and laughter filled the air, and most of the bar stools were occupied with many of the towns retirees, spending their afternoon as they do most everyday, there @ Stoner Drug. Of course, everyone knew everyone and the lady who worked this Soda Fountain knew exactly how every single one of her customers like their coffee. So, If you think two strange women can walk into such a place and the people not know we are "Just passing through" .... think again.
We approach the sweet smiling lady behind the counter and Mom asks, "How is your coffee?" One of the gentleman immediately turned around and said "It's great, you want a sip of mine?" We all got a chuckle out of that and we ordered our coffee, and both of us asked for cream. The woman poured our coffee and then proceeded to hand us a half a gallon of milk and a spoon.....This is their cream ya'll.....MILK!! LOLOLOL I just snickered and poured the milk into my coffee. Mom made her way to the back of Stoner Drug to visit the potty and I decided I would sit down and visit a while with all the older gentlemen (seriously, I was in heaven!!) I noticed a gentleman across the way sharing some cute jokes with a bunch of older retired women and wondered to myself if he might be the town pastor. Guess what....HE WAS (recentlry retired but nevertheless)!! I started talking to the man beside me and found out he was the towns Barber. I told him that I did hair as well but knew he must be far better than I ever was!
Here are the men lined at the bar of the Soda Fountain
Talking and having their coffee
Here is Bob the Barber and the towns recently retired Pastor
Mom returned and I introduced her to my new friends and yes, I knew some of their names already!! My mom just laughed at me introducing them to her as if I had known them forever. At this time, out of courtesy the woman who worked there asked us the question..."Are you all just passing through?" We said yes, and shared that we saw their sign on the Highway and just had to check out a place called Stoner Drug. She looked at my Mom and said "Well, will you all sign our Guestbook and then we will give you a souvenir. UH? You have a Guestbook? and Souvenir's???? Why yes, yes we will!
Here is the Guest book signed by all of those who have just "passed through" and found this wonderful place called Stoner Drug

our Souvenir....a pill box to carry with us always reminding us of our stop in Hamburg IA
As Mom opened & signed the Guest Book, we glanced over some of the signatures and comments. Would you believe someone from Yugoslavia found Stoner Drug?? Not only that, but they enjoyed their very FIRST milkshake!!! WOW! Guess what? They loved it too! Doesn't surprise me at all. Sitting on those stools, Mom & I met the heart of this community. It truly was one of my favorite moments on the whole trip. I did not want to leave!! The atmosphere was filled with Joy and a simplicity of days where no one was in a hurry to get anywhere. Fellowship was the only thing on their minds. Technology wasn't evident anywhere, and No TV's blared in the background either. Just Precious People with smiles on their faces and kind words on their lips. They say coffee is always better when shared with a friend, and I met some friends that day. I may not ever see them again this side of Heaven but I know God allowed us to meet these wonderful people, for that ....
I am truly Thankful!
What about you? Do you have any special road trip stories?
Oh my goodness! Loren, I loved this story. I so want to go to that town and live. I'm on a road back to simplicity and I am loving it. Could I live without my computer? Probably not, but only because my friends live in there. HA! HA!
Love you girlie and what a total blessing to have found this small little town. What was the name of the town? I don't recall you saying.
The word "oasis" immediately came to mind as I read through your post. To think there are actually places like this in a sea of technologically saturated, fast-paced, no-time-for-pleasantries life is a delightful!
Oh that every neighborhood had a soda fountain. We would all most definitely profit!
Blessings & hugs,
P.S. Hubby & I LOVE road trips. Our richest finds often relate directly to the little places we discover along the way that make HOMEMADE pie. We often stay long there ...
Hey honey....what fun it is to relive this experience through your blog!!! This was truly an awesome & unexpected segway to our road trip & one I'll always remember. Thank you for capturing it in such a special way and for the pictures that bring a big smile to my face!!! Love you sooo much!!! Mom
Aww, it sounds like you and your mom had such a great time together!
Here's to mother-daughter togetherness!!!!
Hi! loren, sweet story and promted my memory of way back then... I worked in a drug store, with the awesome sandwhiches and those milkshakes made in those metal glasses! WoW~ those were the best! Just want one right now! I loved this, sweet memory where the local townspeople were sitting on those bar stools! Happy memories to You as well:)
This is a wonderful story! I can just see you both making friends and laughing!
There is something about the small town charm. Aren't you so glad you let your curiosity get the best of you. Think what you might had missed, had you not. We did the same thing one time. Did a post about it, back in Aug 11, 2009...if you want to read it. ;-) Nonetheless...fun times.
This is the sweetest! I bet they are still talking about those two pretty girls who made their whole month!
My parents and I stopped in a teeny diner one time, but the reception wasn't so friendly. They knew we were just passing through, but just stared at us the entire time we ate. VERY uncomfortable.
I love when you meet people in places like that and feel like you've made friends for life.
Wow! What a great story. We've met some wonderful people in our travels, although I can't think of a place quite as special as Stoner Drugs.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
I want to go now!! Love those old men...so full of wisdom! And the town pastor! COOL!! I bet they talked about you & your mom for days & how these 2 pretty ladies came in..:) What a precious memory...Makes me miss my grandpa & his buddies. Sweet sweet times!
Love you!
Oh how fun!! What a great story.. and you even remembered to take pictures. I am so bad at that.
Love this story!!
This brings back memories of my brother taking me to the corner Gray's Drug Store and sitting with me at the soda fountain while I drank cherry coke!
I can just picture you meeting all the townspeople too. Your lovely personality knows no strangers.
Love this post!
That is just the BEST story! How fun that you not only stopped, but then took the time to visit, take photos and get to know the people there. Loved the comment, "What a sip of mine?" That's something my dad would say.
Peace and blessings to you.
*sigh* Sounds like a place where I would love to sit and visit with everyone. What a wonderful thing that you saw that sign and pulled in for some small town entertainment. And souvenirs!!! Love it
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