It was the month of May and I was driving along when my cell phone rang. It was my stepmom and she told me that I needed to call my dad. I could tell it was serious and Instantly I became frightened. I called my daddy and he shared the devestating news with me.
"Loren, we aren't sure but most likely I have lung cancer. My regular doctor found a tumor and we have appointments with Mayo clinic to begin testing." I asked what had brought this about ~ had he been sick, why did he go to the doctor. I talked to my dad regularly and he never sounded sick. He shared that he had just had this nagging cough for about 3 months and after quite a few tests and xrays they couldn't find anything wrong but after doing this particular test they found a pretty good size tumor."
As you can imagine we were all devestated. During the time of receiving this news my mother-in-law was in and out of the hopsital with her own issues. She was a smoker, she was on oxygen and she went into the hospital this time we knew it was serious. My husband and I had some really good talks with her, sharing our hearts, asking her about certain issues and we knew the Lord was preparing the way for her to come home. We lost her shortly after that. Within 10 days of losing her, we recevied confirmation that my dad did have lung cancer and the kids and I loaded up the car and drove to Florida and I was able to spend most of my summer here with my dad. He was strong and healthy while receiving his chemo and although we initally found out the cancer had metastisized into his brain they were able to radiate those spots immediately and for all practical purposes things were going well.
In mid November we had yet another round of bad news. The cancer had spread into Dads liver but the Dr. was hopeful that trying a new chemo would take care of that. It didn't. The cancer continued to grow and spread. She offered one last chemo medication and upon receiving 2 of the 3 rounds my Dad was diagnosed with pneumonia. This brought my brother and I out here and it is where we remain today.
From the beginning I began blogging about my dads journey. My dad also found Facebook. He was reconnected with many friends from his highschool days along with friends he had back in California. It was so also a place for my dad to share his journey with us. He wrote us notes and shared his heart, his determination, his fight, and he inspired us all.
Through all of this I wanted healing for my dad but even before this I was praying and asking for Salvation. I know there were others out there who have even asked that my dad not be taken until I knew and had peace that dad had received Salvation.
There have been numerous times during this visit that I had moments in which I was pleading with the Lord, asking HIM ~ is this when I am suppose to say something Lord? Is it now Lord? What do you want me to say? How do I approach it?
I never received a release.
You all know that our plans were to take Dad home to Oklahoma to see his mom. My nana. Well, we were discharged from the Hospital yesterday late afternoon. We got daddy home and we were making plans to reserve the RV and to finish the radiation treatments. Overnight my dad took another bad turn. His oxygen levels dropped low just by sitting up and we all had to make the difficult decision not to travel with him. As the day progressed and different plans were being to bring my nana here. Bless my husbands heart ~ He is driving to Missouri to pick her up and then flying out here with her. She trusts him completely. As I have shared with you all before she is 88 and her health is very frail as well. She weighs less the 78! But she has agreed to come!
So today I was taking my daddys temp. It was so high the thermometer wouldn't read ~ it just flshed HI HI HI HI HI. I sat down beside my dad and asked him if he was talking to Jesus. He said "When I am sleeping I am" I said "you are? you wanna talk to him some more?" He said "no, not right now" I said Daddy do you want to ask him into your heart? He opened his eyes, reached out for my hand and patted it and said "OH honey, I have... I have mucho times" It was all so natural, not planned, not ME.... just the LORD!
I have to tell you that immediately after that I went to the bedroom and Thanked the Lord for the gift of hearing and knowing that my daddy will meet his Savior and that he does in fact have his Eternal passport. I CAN'T THANK EACH ONE OF YOU ENOUGH FOR YOUR PRAYERS ON THIS JOURNEY!!
The Lord heard each one of you and I know that your prayers, your cards, your love, support, comments, notes all played a role in that decision that he made.
My Nana will arrive on Tues. and because this is my Daddy's only see his mom we are praying he will hold on until he sees her. I believe he will and for now I am enjoying every precious second with my daddy but the Peace that has covered me on this day is a gift. While the pain is no less ~ losing your daddy is the hardest thing but knowing he will be in the arms on Jesus ........I can't even begin to tell you what a gift it is.
I love you all and as Kat said tonight ~ One day we will all have a big party in heaven together because you have all played a role in his being there
Thankyou all so much for placing the prayer request on your Facebook pages or your own blogs! I can't even describe what that means to me or to him!
Love and Blessings
Breakfast with the President
7 hours ago
Oh precious one! I am crying right now....tears of joy at hearing of your daddy's acceptance of Jesus. Tears of pain for you. I am so thankful that Jesus will take your daddy's hand and lead him into Heaven, but heartbroken at the same time. I continue to hold you close in prayer!
I love you my friend and even though this has been a sad journey to follow I'm so glad I have. I'm glad that Lord gave you what you needed to hear from your Daddy and I can't wait till the party in heaven my friend. I know I'll meet plenty of people I didn't know who were praying for me at one time or another too!
Big Giant hugs from me to you.
Praise The Lord!! I am so excited for you Loren to have received this blessing! What an amazing moment for you and your dad! God has answered your prayers and given you His peace in this situation.
If there is anything we can do back here please let us know. Soak up every moment of your time with your sweet daddy and keep us updated on how things are going. I pray for strength for you for the days to come and for your nana and Brian to get there soon.
Woo Hoo, I am praise dancing all over my apartment over this awesome news. God is so great to answer our prayers, everybody give Him a great big round of applause. I love you sweetie, big hugs to you.
The angels are rejoicing right alongside you!! I am soo happy for you. PTL!!
Praying that your grandmothers trip goes well and that your dad will be reunited with his mother.
Praying for peace and much comfort for your whole family at this time!
Oh, I am in deep Praise right now for this confirmation, Loren! And, I am in tears too. Our Father knows our hearts and how special to make such a moment, a lasting impression of truth between you and your dad to cherish. Beautiful. He is so Beautiful! See, our own grand ideas of how "we" are suppose to, should be, doing things is nothing...not even a simple drop in the bucket as to what our God does so perfectly, peacefully, so simple. Just beautiful.
Your husband is quite the man, isn't he, Loren?! Praying for their travels together, her safety as well and that the entire coming together will be just as perfect as your moment was for your dad and his mother.
Love to you.
Each time I prayed I had such unexplainable peace about your Dad's salvation and now I know why. I am praising GOD with you for the "ultimate" Christmas package. From this day forward, no one will out do the gift your dad just gave you...likely his last Christmas present to his precious little girl.
Sending hugs, love, and continued prayers,
Oh Loren .. I am just weeping right now. I am so happy for you (even in the midst of this terrible time)! I know your real heart, and your only true desire was for your daddy to accept our Lord as his Savior. You are a marvel of a daughter to both your daddy and to our Heavenly Father.
I am praying for your strength. I know you must be weary.
Loren, through my tears I am thanking God!! The peace of knowing he has asked Jesus into his heart is the most precious gift! I pray he will be able to see his mom... bless your dear husband for bringing her!
Love & Prayers & Hugs,
Praise the Lord! God is good! The angels in heaven rejoice and we rejoice with them. STILL PRAYING!
Loren, I am overwhelmed with the goodness of God. The assurance of your dad's salvation is one that could not be topped. I am continuing to pray for you and your whole family as you all love on each other in these last moments of your dad's life. God's comfort and mercy are so great! He is there in the midst of you all. Enjoy every moment of the time that you have now with him, but know it is not the end. I love the idea of thinking of the party we will all have one day together. I just love it.
God bless you all with His peace and comfort in the coming days,
Love Christy
Even now I am still crying over the joy of your dad's salvation. I know beyond words this is the one thing you wanted more than anything. Healing is still temporary because this world is not our home but we will all celebrate these moments when we are reunited for the ultimate in family reunions. While I may not get an opportunity to meet with you dad here, I know I will someday and that dear sister, is something that all of the heavens are shouting and rejoicing.
I thank God that he is planning this homecoming for your dad and know that he will be able to talk to his mom. May God continue to reach down and hold you in His loving arms and pour out grace and joy all over your heart! I love you more than anything and hope these times with your dad are the happiest with your family!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Praise the Lord. It is comforting to know that you will be with your daddy for all eternity. Sending love and prayers to you my friend!
Sister Loren, I can't find the right words to say...Except being in that situation before, I know the pain you're going through. But to hear that your dad has Jesus in his heart is the most important thing to happen! Praise God! I just pray for the Lord's love, comfort, strength, guidance and protection continue to cover you all. I love you sister Loren. God bless.
i am rejoicing with you and everyone else, but especially your dad.God is so gracious to us His children. I am asking God to continue to strengthen you and your family. I will also be praying for your Dad's Mother that God will wrap his arms around her. too.
There's not words to describe the joy I feel for you. It's never easy losing a loved one. But knowing that when he takes his last breath here, his next breath will be in the arms of Jesus. Enjoy every minute you have with your Dad, and my prayer is if there is anything you need to tell him, the Lord will bring it to your remembrance. I have wished so many times that I had told my Dad that I loved him one last time.
Loren, this is a beautiful testimony of not only a daughter's love, but of God's love! I can't imagine a more perfect gift at Christmas!
Our lives are so much more of a witness than words can ever be! Just by being there when your dad has needed you, you have shown him the love of Christ.
And Brian is so special! What a wonderful husband to make sure your nana gets to be there with her son.
Read the 23rd Psalm to your Dad. I think it will have a whole new meaning to him and bring such peace.
Love you! Betty
So thankful. God is so good. I'm overwhelmed.
Love you. Thankful for the peace...
Praise God, Loren. Rejoicing with you all the way from Texas!!!
{{hugs}} for you, my friend!
Sweet One,
Through the tears of reading through this posting I am filled with JOY that God has answered so many prayers for your dad, that he is saved, and that truly is the ultimate gift. Enjoy every precious moment with your dear daddy, every single moment. God is there with all of you and has been and His grace, oh His grace is always sufficient isn't it? This touches me deeply in my heart today as it brings back the fond memories of my mom during such a time as this, what you are going through together with your daddy and as a family. May His love, never-ending grace, peace, comfort, tranquility, joy, tender mercies and so much more cover and surround all of you like a warm blanket of soft fleece as you embrace each moment that you have with each other. Life, it is a precious gift from God. May we all continue to embrace it through the eyes, ears, mouth and heart of HIM. I'm praising HIM today with open arms and lifted head in all of His splendor and glory.
I love you sweet and loving-spirited very, very much.
{{{Big Hugs & Prayers}}}}
Oh Loren I'm crying tears of Joy for you and your dad! Thank you so much Lord that you hear our prayers!
Go give your dad a big hug and let him know that we are so pleased to have him as our brother in Christ!
Much love to you!
You know I've been praying with you Sis along with many others and THIS message has brought me to BIG TEARS OF PRAISE as to the FAITHFULNESS OF OUR GOD! I rejoice in knowing Daddy is saved in Jesus Name and that his Home will be in glory one day in GOD's timing along with all of ours. I continue to pray for him and for the family.
I love you and please give your Daddy a big kiss and hug from Sister Lisa and tell him I said, welcome to the family of Christ.
this post gave me chills. That is just the most awesome news ever. Praise the Lord. I am so happy for you and for your dad.
Loren, I am just on a rollercoaster of emotions as I read this. My heart hurts for you so much. I know that losing my precious daddy (he was 58) was the most devastating thing I have ever been through. I know that you have some hard times coming up but I know that YOU know the Lord will be right there with you.
I am so overwhelmed with joy that your sweet daddy has come to know Jesus as his Savior. That has been our prayer! Yes! Thank you Jesus for your sweet mercy on precious Doug!
I am just hurting for your family. I wish I could eleviate the painful times coming and the sadness, but I am also praising God that you are making some awesome memories. You love your daddy so much and it just shows in all you say and do.
I am praying for you all. Know that God is near. He is right there with you. I pray that His presence be manifest mightily to you all during these days.
Love you so my friend!
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