I just wanted to update you all on Dad and share the note he wrote this past Sunday. I shared with you all yesterday that hearing his voice on the phone he sounded much better. He is still taking it slow and steady and for this I am VERY grateful. Dad has always been a work-a-holic :) So for him to realize that he needs to take it slow is HUGE!!
I am trusting that JESUS is continuing to WOO Dad closer and closer and that Dad will receive HIM as his Saviour! I am standing on HIS Word that it is HIS will and that WILL ~ will be done! Thankyou again for your continued prayers and thankyou for being a part of the miracle that Dad is still here after all his body has endured!
An update from Doug:
I apologize for the time I’ve been away. As you will see, the ordeal with the blood clots in my lungs and leg took its toll on me. Last week, I was very weak and used oxygen for a lot of the week. Fortunately, I am feeling better and able to take some steps to make things even better.
I said this the last time I wrote, but I had no idea how serious the clots were or how dangerous my situation was. My situation was discussed several times this week as every doctor emphasized how fortunate I was – meaning that I am lucky to be alive. According to the doctors I saw this week, they were all amazed I am still alive. I knew it was serious – I just didn’t know how serious!
I can recall two occasions during the past 8 weeks when I had serious chest pains. I’m now convinced that those two occasions were when the clots passed through my heart and went to my lungs. Both occasions were very painful – the first occasion was late one night shortly after the radiation started and the last was two weeks ago – the day I went to the Mayo emergency room. On both occasions, I knew that I was experiencing something abnormal. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t know that what I was going through was life-threatening.
Two weeks ago, after I checked into the hospital, every doctor I saw reminded me how lucky I was. One doctor even came into my room and said that it was standard operating procedure, but she wanted to know if I wanted to be resuscitated if my heart stopped. I thought that was an odd question – given I had just checked into my room. I’m pretty sure they don’t asked every patient that question. Looking back, this was another indication of how serious my situation was.
Anyway, in response to her question, I told her that I did want to be resuscitated - I just don’t want to be kept functioning using a machine – not to breathe, not to keep my heart going, not to maintain my brain function, or anything else like that. I want to be resuscitated if they can start whatever stopped without leaving me on some machine that performs a function that one of my organs should perform.
Enough of that…
The best news this week is that they ran an MRI on my brain. The news is the three spots on my brain are under control – one spot is completely gone and the other two are smaller and are expected to vanish in a month or two. Both Barbie and I are thrilled with the news!
Another bit of good news – I started feeling better this past Monday. I regained some of my strength and was able to reduce my dependence on the oxygen. Best of all, my sore throat showed improvement and I started eating more regular food with a minimum of pain. As an example of how much better my throat is, I ate two tacos! Ah, Mexican food!
My oncologist said that I will not receive any more chemotherapy treatments until things stabilize. She wants me to gain weight – I’ve lost about 30 pounds. I hadn’t eaten well for about 4 weeks because my throat was sore and nothing tasted good. That has all changed this past week. I’m eating almost everything placed in front of me.
I would say that things are finally getting a little better. I sense that where I am now is going to require a longer recovery period. I’ve finally been beaten into submission enough that I am willing to take things slowly and ease back into daily activities. I have been sedentary for so long that I need to build up my strength and that is going to take some time, As I said, I am willing to go slow and to do whatever I need to do. One Day at a Time!
A while ago, Kat suggested that maybe I should ask you all to send cards or a note to my dad to let him know you are praying for him and I think now is a great time to ask you all if you feel led to do this. I know my Dad is humbled by the amount of people praying for him but I also know when you get something in writing it just moves you that much more!
If you all want to send him a note or a card his address is:
Doug Woods
4000 State Road 16
St Augustine, FL 32092
Love and blessings to you all! Thank each one of you for your prayers, love, support and encouragement!
Breakfast with the President
7 hours ago
Can you hear me singing praises to the Lord? WOW how amazing God continues to work in your fathers life. He has a reason left for your dad to be here and this news is just like an update from our Mighty Surgeon Himself. Nothing is impossible for God and this just reassures us that prayers do make a difference and that God does address our needs.
Guess where I am off to now?? To deposit some very special blessings in the mail.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Loren, this is so wonderful! I have no doubt that your dad will come to know the Love of His Father. If God can promise to save the family of Rahab the harlot, under the old covenant, how much more will He do for us now!
Many Blessings! Daveda
I would love to send him a card....Still praying for him...
Hope you will stop by and see my new Christmas blog... http://grammyababychangeseverything.blogspot.com
There is a GREAT giveaway going on now....
Loren, great news! I know you must be feeling fresh hope right now. Prayers will continue.
And thank you for the very nice note you left on the post Lasting and Happy on Family Fountain. If I do a follow up blog on that article would you mind if I quoted you? wb
I read your post earlier but didn't leave a comment coz everything is a rush in the morning for me. My card is already sealed and stamped, arriving perhaps, after sister Kat's :) [I did that because I love the Lord and I love you! :)]...
Sister Kat is always creative! Bless her! That is a great idea, to send notes to your dad because that will be on a more personal level...Despite, we will continue to lift him up in our prayers. Thanks be to God for the answered ones! To Him be the glory.
I'm glad that hearing your dad's voice sounding better was good for you.
Prayers in progress. And yes the Hospitals ask that question of everybody, since the Terry Schivo case. Be blessed and be a blessing.
I am pleased to read this report. It is good to be informed. We are continuing to pray. Thanks for stopping by so often and leaving comments. It puts a smile on my face and makes me feel good.
I can hear a change in his latest letter... that is so great!! I will definately make some time to make him a card!!
I am so glad that it sounds like he is in good spirits! We will continue to pray for him and hope that he finds the Lord! Thanks for also commenting on my new award for Moms, you are all deserving!
He is sounding so much better!! That is so great! Thanks for his address.
Oh Loren that is wonderful news! I am so thrilled for all of you. I will go pick up a card to send to your dad. Praying He sees Jesus in this.
Much love to you!
A man after my own heart~ going straight for the tacos! :) Loved that.
I'm so thankful he's having good news, is feeling better, and can EAT. Thank the Lord for those huge miracles. The biggest miracle is how everyone he meets is telling him what a miracle he is. God is moving. What a story.
Love you! Am jotting his address down right now and will find a card tomorrow!
Rejoicing with you! We serve a mighty God!
Blessings for your night,
Sarah Dawn
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