Sunday, June 7, 2009

Church. Mega Church. Small town Church. Denominational. Non Denominational. House Church. Where do you go and why? When/How did you get saved? How is your relationship with Jesus?

These are questions that I would love to hear the answers to from you all. Share your testimonies, your hearts and recall when you met and received your Saviour. Has it been years since that beloved day or was it just yesterday? Are you growing in the Word? Praying in the Spirit? Hearing from God daily or feeling so far away it hurts?

Looking forward to hearing from you! Be blessed and please meet the Spiritual Sunday ladies here



I am so glad I met Him over 30 years ago when my kiddos were just born. I was anxious, perfectionistic, trying to figure out Jesus in my religion....then I met Him. He changed me and gave me a big smile and began to set me free.

I praise Him that I did not have to raise my girls in my own strength or ideas, but embraced the Word of God.

I am madly in love with Jesus! And I'm so very thankful to be in God's family.

Love you,

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques

Lots of good questions here! Not many have responded yet...

My "journey" began when I was 12 although I strayed like a lost sheep in my early twenties. So thankful to God that he is faithful and loving. My hubby and I now go to a church with our little Bebe, but it is not the denomination I grew up with, Methodist.


My church from the outside looks like a Mega Church and on Sundays it is. But for Bible Study and Wednesday night services it is around 30 people. I was saved at a young age. The first time I bought and wanted a Bible of my own I was 10. It is when I got saved. I have been very close to the Lord. I have drifted away from him. Just in the last couple of years have I became close again. Not as close as I once was but it is a blessing to feel Him to close to me today. I found that with each passing day my Spirit is being fed. It was so hungry for so long. I look forward to getting even closer!!

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