Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spreading the Joy

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with JOY.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100: 1-3

I am so filled with JOY and so thankful to be able to share each week all the goodness the LORD brings into my life!

My Husband brings me such JOY! He has sooo outdone himself this week and then will be taking care of me after my surgery on Friday....I truly don't know what I would do without HIM! Thank You LORD for my Husband!! He truly loves me and serves me as Christ would have him to!

My oh my what a JOY my friends have been! I can't even tell you how much JOY they bring me! Thank you Lord for the JOY of Friendship!

Thankyou for the Joy in Laughter! I tell ya ~ when Rylee is around, we are all pretty much laughing NON STOP! After dinner last night Jenna decided to stick a spoon on her nose! She thought that was hilarious and did we!

I am so filled with Joy for the gift that blogging has brought into my life! To connect with people all over the world and on such a heart level, to learn from one another and share our hearts and know that they are lined up with in the Lord, brings me such JOY! I just have to say a special thank you to Clif and Charlotte for making my bday so very special! For being such godly mentors and examples and for being such blessed friends! Thank you Lord for the gift of blogging and the JOY it brings to my life each and every day !!!

Thank you Angel for spreading the JOY and sharing it with us each week! She would love it if you would join in